James Landing POA

Homeowner Portal: https://lambethmgmt.cincwebaxis.com/ to view your account information, make online payments, submit questions/concerns or submit Architectural Requests.

Requests: Please note that all requests MUST be submitted to our office in writing. Forms can be submitted on line (tab at the top) or written and mailed to our office. For emergencies please contact our office at (336) 288-4944.

Association Documents:

Articles of Incorporation     Declaration of Covenants Conditions, and Restrictions for James Landing  Amended and Restated Declaration  2nd Amended and Restated Declaration    3rd Amended and Restated Declaration    By-Laws

RIGHT TO INITIATE MEDIATION: Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 7A-38.3F, members are notified that they may initiate mediation to try to resolve a dispute with the association; however, the association may decline mediation.  Any costs of mediation, including the mediator’s fees, shall be shared equally by the parties.  (NOTE: Disputes related solely to a member’s failure to timely pay an association assessment or any fines or fees associated with the levying or collection of an association assessment are not covered by the mediation statute.)