Homeowner Portal: https://lambethmgmt.cincwebaxis.com/ to view your account information, make online payments, submit questions/concerns or submit Architectural Requests.
Homeowner Dues: Monthly dues in the amount of $80.00 are due and payable on the 1st of each month. Checks should be made payable to Peaceford Meadows HOA. Coupon books are provided upon request only by submitting this form or contacting LMR: Coupon Payment Booklet Request
Late Fees: A late fee of $5.00 is charged on the last day of the month. Late fees are charged on all accounts with a delinquent balance equal to or greater than one month’s dues. Even though coupon books are provided, please allow sufficient time for your payment to be processed. Statements are mailed out each month on all delinquent accounts. Pool key cards are deactivated for owners with delinquent accounts.
Swimming Pool: The pool opens in May and closes in September. An entry card to the pool gate may be obtained by contacting our office. Key cards are deactivated for delinquent accounts. Pool Rules
Peaceford Meadows Update Pool Entry Requirements June 2021
The Peaceford Meadow’s Board of Directors has revised the pool rules in order to maintain an orderly, pleasant experience for all homeowners. Unfortunately, there have been several incidents already this season and we feel the need to clarify what is acceptable. Some of the problems encountered include: passing the key fob through the fence to allow entry of guests, violation of the number of guests allowed, homeowners checking guests in and then leaving, playing of loud and offensive music, improper use of the bathroom facilities, and misuse and destruction of the deck furnishings. These have all been noted by the officers on duty.
It is early in the season and due to the numerous offenses, the board has reviewed the pool guest policy and has approved the following changes effective immediately. Up to 4 guests will be allowed per household if the adult homeowner is with the group. The homeowner must check in with the officer if on duty, show photo ID, and stay with the guests while at the pool. The 2 guests / household policy remains in effect for the remaining residents of the household at the time of check in. All other posted Pool Rules will remain in effect. The board will be revising the posted rules to include these changes.
The number of guests is based on the existing HOA covenant of 4 guests per household. The pool area is a family environment and in order to maintain an enjoyable experience, the HOA board felt action was needed. Any violation of the pool rules and/or covenants may result in denial of pool access and privileges.
WiFi at the Pool: Network name: poolmembers Password: peaceford
Clubhouse Reservations: Homeowners may rent the clubhouse by filling out the form found below and submitting it to Lambeth Management. There is a security deposit required to use the facility. The clubhouse is NOT available during the winter months. For questions, contact Lambeth Management. Clubhouse Rental Agreement 2024 calendar Submit Request Online
Insurance Coverage: The Association is a single family community. The Association owns and maintains insurance on the common areas ONLY. In addition to the property coverage on any structures, the Association also maintains liability and D&O coverage.
Action Requests: Please note that all requests MUST be submitted to our office in writing. Forms can be submitted online under the “contact us” tab above or written and mailed to our office. For emergencies please contact our office at (336) 288-4944.
Trash Collection: Trash collection is performed by the City of High Point on Thursday of each week and recycling every other week. Trash receptacles should be placed at the front of your home on the morning of collection and removed the same day.
Architectural Control: Any changes or modifications to the exterior of your home must receive prior approval from the Association. Forms are below. Please allow 30 days for the approval process.
Articles of Incorporation Declaration Bylaws** Bylaws Amendment (quorum)
Architectural Standards Handbook
Architectural Request Form – General Satellite Dish Request Form Directory Form
RIGHT TO INITIATE MEDIATION: Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 7A-38.3F, members are notified that they may initiate mediation to try to resolve a dispute with the association; however, the association may decline mediation. Any costs of mediation, including the mediator’s fees, shall be shared equally by the parties. (NOTE: Disputes related solely to a member’s failure to timely pay an association assessment or any fines or fees associated with the levying or collection of an association assessment are not covered by the mediation statute.)