Dutchman’s Pipe Cove

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How to… (click for information on handling HOA items)

Homeowner Portal: https://lambethmgmt.cincwebaxis.com/ to view your account information, make online payments, submit questions/concerns or submit Architectural Requests.

Homeowner Dues: Dues are $275.00 and are charged and due on the 1st of each month. Checks should be made payable to Dutchman’s Pipe HOA. Coupon books are provided upon request only by submitting this form or contacting LMR: Coupon Payment Booklet Request

Late Fees: A late fee of $10.00 is charged on the last day of the month. Late fees are charged on all accounts with a delinquent balance equal to or greater than one month’s dues. Even though coupon books are provided, please allow sufficient time for your payment to be processed. Statements are mailed out each month on all delinquent accounts.

Insurance Coverage: The Association is a town home community. The Association maintains insurance on common areas ONLY. In addition to the property coverage on any common area buildings, the Association also maintains general liability and Directors & Officers (D&O) coverage. Homeowners own their home and should maintain fire & extended insurance coverage on their unit and personal property by obtaining a HO-3 policy. Homeowners should contact their insurance agent to be sure that they have proper coverage.

Association Insurance Policy:
J.M. Steed
Policy # 61BP8618103001

Parking: The Board of Directors would like to remind everyone to please limit parking on the street to a minimum especially for those owners who live close to the entrance. Vehicles parked on the street may create blind spots and potential safety issues for those drivers entering and leaving the development. If you have to use on street parking, please park on the left side of the street (Bass Chapel side) as you enter the development. When vehicles are parked on both sides of the street, it creates problems for owners entering and leaving the community. By parking on the left side only, this will allow access for emergency vehicles to the entire community.

Parking is not permitted in front of any townhome with an even number for their address. If you live in units 2-12, please park on the opposite side of the street (in front of units 1-11) or use the parking pad to the left of unit 12. Thanks for your cooperation.

Maintenance Requests: Please note that all maintenance requests MUST be submitted to our office in writing. Forms can be submitted online at this link: Maintenance Request or Concern or written and mailed to our office. For emergencies (roof leaks / water leaks) please contact our office at (336) 288-4944.

Termite Coverage: The Association maintains a termite contract with Terminix with annual inspections.

Exterior Pest Control: Terminix will provide weekly visits beginning Wednesday, 10/2/24. Josh is the representative who will be on site Wednesdays from 8:30 am – 10:00 am. He will also schedule individual homeowner appointments in the afternoon as needed. Homeowners may now contact the office at 336-621-7070 to schedule their interior pest treatments.

Trash Collection: Trash collection is performed by the City of Greensboro on Monday of each week. Trash receptacles should be placed at the front of your home on the morning of collection and removed the same day. Recycling and bulk items are picked up every other week on Monday (blue week). Check the City of Greensboro website for more information.

Architectural Control: Any changes or modifications to the exterior of your town home must receive prior approval from the Association. Forms are below. Please allow 30 days for the approval process.

Landscape Modification: Any changes to the exterior landscaping also requires written approval. Forms are below.

Leasing: Per Article VIII of the Declaration of Covenants a Leasing request form needs to be submitted for prior approval of rental with a copy of the proposed lease agreement. Rental of any townhome unit requires PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL of the Executive Board before the tenant takes possession. All leases must be for at least one (1) year. Owners are responsible for their tenant’s compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the Association. Any violation of the Rules and Regulations is the responsibility of the homeowner. Fines for violating any rules or regulations of the association are levied against the homeowner. Tenants who continue to cause disturbances, property damage, or habitually violate the Rules and Regulations of the Association will be given a ninety-day notice to vacate by the Executive Board of Directors with or without the approval of the homeowner. PLEASE find the request form below.

Gutter Cleaning: Performed as requested by Lambeth Maintenance (336) 288-4944 throughout most of the year. Once per year, in mid-December, Horizon Paint Co. cleans all gutters community wide after the leaves finish falling.

Additional Association Membership: All owners of Dutchman’s Pipe Cove also belong to The Point at Lake Jeanette HOA and the Lake Jeanette Master Association. The Point has a page on this website. To visit the Lake Jeanette HOA website, click here.

To find information regarding the Lake Jeanette Swim and Tennis Club at their web site, click here.

Board Meeting Minutes:


Articles of Incorporation     Declaration     Bylaws     Asphalt Maint Agreement

Maintenance Responsibility List    Roofing Issue     Deck Colors

Architectural Request Form – General      Landscape Modification Request     Satellite Dish Request Form     Directory Form     Leasing Request Form    Maintenance Request or Concern

RIGHT TO INITIATE MEDIATION: Pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 7A-38.3F, members are notified that they may initiate mediation to try to resolve a dispute with the association; however, the association may decline mediation.  Any costs of mediation, including the mediator’s fees, shall be shared equally by the parties.  (NOTE: Disputes related solely to a member’s failure to timely pay an association assessment or any fines or fees associated with the levying or collection of an association assessment are not covered by the mediation statute.)